Issue #6 of The Beartaria Times Magazine Is Now Available For Pre-Order!
Issue #6 of The Beartaria Times Magazine Is Now Available For Pre-Order!
We are excited to announce the sixth issue of The Beartaria Times Magazine, titled “Beauty Blossoms: Cultivating Greatness.” In this issue, we have gathered a collection of articles from our community members sharing their resources, tutorials, and experiences during the summer season. Our hard work is beginning to pay off, and we can now appreciate the beauty that it is producing.
Presale ends November 10th at 9:00 pm PST

Issue #5 of The Beartaria Times Magazine Is Now Available For Pre-Order!
In this fifth issue of The Beartaria Times Magazine, titled “Toiling Upward,” we bring together articles from all aspects of the community to share resources, tutorials, and experiences during the spring season while we put in the work needed to have a beautiful summer, a bountiful fall and build a better future.

Issue #4 of The Beartaria Times Magazine Is Now Available For Purchase!
In this fourth issue of The Beartaria Times Magazine, titled “Thriving the Winter,” we bring together articles from all aspects of the community to share resources, tutorials, and experiences in not only surviving the winter but thriving through the dark times while also learning how to use the summer to prepare!
Issue #4 “Thriving The Winter” is a limited run issue of 2000 magazines.

Issue #3 of The Beartaria Times Magazine is now available for purchase!
In this third issue of The Beartaria Times Magazine, titled “Fruits of our Labor,” we bring the community together to share resources, tutorials, and experiences in reaping the rewards of hard work!
Issue #3 “Fruits of Our Labor” is a limited run issue of 2500 magazines.

Issue #2 “Planting Seeds: For Our Future” Now Available For Purchase!
In this second edition of The Beartaria Times Magazine, titled “Planting Seeds: For Our Future,” we bring the community together to share resources, tutorials and experiences in learning new skills and starting new projects!
Issue #2 “Planting Seeds,” was a limited run issue of 2500 magazines.
We learned a lot from our first issue, and we are excited to roll out our second issue as we gravitate to more resource and instructional type content.
When placing a pre-order, you will be charged and your shipping address saved for shipment via The Excellent United States Postal Service. Shipment estimates for pre-orders may take 1-2 months.